
Ushuaia, Argentina

Beaches and Islands Straight Out of the Movies

Ushuaia, capital of Tierra del Fuego and the province’s main tourist hub, is located at the southern end of Isla Grande.

Boasting a spectacular location, sandwiched between the mountains – including Cerro Martial and Mount Olivia – and the sea, Ushuaia extends down the hill towards the arm of land that surrounds the Bay, where the ship will stop during your MSCWorldCruise.
The city is protected from the icy Southwest winds and occasional storms that occur in the Beagle Channel. Interesting excursions include the small islands in the middle of the channel in front of the city, with their colonies of seabirds, and the nearby Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego. Ushuaia is the most populous and popular city in Tierra del Fuego, and depends largely on the thriving tourism industry, which capitalises on the beauty of the area’s natural landscapes. 
Overlooking the sea is the Antigua Casa de Gobierno, a late-20th century building that was originally the Governor's mansion before being used by the local government and then as a police station. It has been restored so as to return it to its original use, so you can get an idea of how the rich lived in Ushuaia at the dawn of the city. The Fin del Mundo Museum houses exhibitions that focus on the region’s history and wildlife, as well as the polychrome figurehead of the Duchess of Albany, an English ship wrecked on the eastern end of the island in 1883. The Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego, 12 km west of Ushuaia, is 630 sq. km of rugged mountains, sinuous lakes, southern beech forests, marshy bogs, sub-Antarctic tundra and lush coasts. It extends along the border with Chile, from the Beagle Channel to Sierra Inju-Goiyin, north of the huge Lake Fagnano, which you can also visit on an MSC Cruise day trip, combined with Lake Escondido.
This is just one of the fantastic destinations of our cruise around the world: MSC World Cruise 2020!



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Cruises from / to Ushuaia in 2025

Excursions & Activities Ushuaia

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